About this here

July 1999. Northern France is enjoying its first monsoon since records began. Three very amateur golfers have finished a round at Le Touquet. Having aquaplaned their buggy through the inward 9 they go for dinner in a local restaurant. They enjoy a bottle of Margaux and admire the faded glory of one of the most chic of France’s northern seaside resorts. They agree that this, their first overseas foray was fun, but simply too damp. They resolve to repeat the exercise next year, but in a warmer climate.

Fast forward to October 2000 and two members of the ‘Le Touquet Three’ are in La Sella, Spain. Accompanied by two more enthusiasts they are enjoying the course, designed by José María Olazábal. La Sella is one of the most important courses designed by the double Masters champion and the feckless four are expecting his prowess to permeate their game………….It doesn’t.

In fact the sophistication of the course appears to inversely affect their play. One hapless teester manages to strike a five iron into his toes, leaving him jack-knifed on the third tee. His teammates reaction is hilarity and horror in equal measure. A sign of what is to come.

Again the pseudo-sportsmen find themselves drinking wine in a local restaurant, and thinking about the future. They resolve to make this a regular fixture. A small group of friends that will commit to spend one long weekend each year to find some late autumn sunshine, play some golf, laugh, remember why they are friends. Drunk and happy they wind their unsteady way back to their apartment.

The name of the restaurant was Antiqua.

2010 and the restaurant may be long gone. The society that carries its name has never been in better health.

Most years see at least one new clown run away with the circus. The last of the original founders has just been elected president for 2011.

The golf is not too serious. The toes are still being hit. The scores still matter. That’s why it works.

‘Is est non rectus si is est rectus’.